Thursday, March 15, 2012


So it has finally arrived , and I seriously cannot believe how fast it came, tomorrow I leave to DC for MARATHON WEEKEND. Whooooo Hooooo!. I am super excited for a mini getaway, but I am so so petrified of the run. I keep telling myself you trained hard and now its time for action. Its like that big meeting you have been preparing for and now its time for the presentation. I have almost finished packing but I think I am one of the most horrible packers in the world. In addition, the weather is going bizurks. Saturday's weather ranges from low 53 to high 78. That is a major jump. I have packed lots of warmer weather clothing so lets hope I don't freeze, and that I brought a good variety of items. I am most concerned about overdressing for the race. I packed several tank tops, a short sleeve shirt, a running jacket and two capris with pockets.  I also packed a long sleeve shirt that I can take off and throw to the side. They donate all items left to charity. I put together items for tomorrow's breakfast and Saturday's breakfast. i will have oatmeal with banana and almond milk. I am going to try to pick up some peanut butter somewhere to help sustain me a little longer through the race. I also packed 2 energy gels.I will finish my last minute Items in the morning. I am heading out around 6:15 to pick up my friend and head to our meet up location. There are five of us girls going. we will pile in my car and head off. hopefully we will arrive by 11, head to the expo, grab lunch and then explore. We have some errands to do before we check in and plan dinner. The guys should arrive by 8 or 9. Hopefully we an make it an early night. i need some sleep after this week, and the long days we have ahead

Well, I am going to head off to finish a couple of things. Look for my race recap!!!


  1. Finally almost 3 months later, the recap is posted! I still need to edit tho!


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