Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Marathon Training- Week 6 ahhhhhhhhh!

Well, I have approached week 8 of my marathon training and can I say I am a bit afraid. This week starts the big girl training, its time to suck it up and keep going. According to my training plan I was suppose to run a half marathon this Saturday. Lucky for me, there just happened to be one in central park.Unlucky for me, by the time I found it, it was sold out :(. Soooooo the plan was to run the course on the outside just to get the race feel, to work both distance and speed, and to have the mile markers. But of course, Saturday we were blessed with snow; nothing crazy, just a couple of inches. However, the snow we did get caused the race to be untimed which didnt give me the motivation to go all the way there.I let my fear of wet sneakers, and being wet on the train and ferry stop me from going. I headed back to my warm bed! As the day went on I told myself to go run outside. I felt as if I let myself down, and didn't put 100%. I thought of all the people who made it to the race and ran through the weather. So finally I got up, put on a bunch of clothing, and a crazy looking hat and headed outside. I will admit, I am usually put together, but while running I think I always look like a crazy hot mess.
Me, my lovely shiny purple running jacket, and a strange winter hat I stole from my mom for Saturday's run. (I didn't think my earmuffs would cut it.)

I accomplished my 13.1 miles and even a tad more. I just kept giving myself pep talks to get through the weather. Its funny how nice cars are when they think your a nut for being outside running. I think from here on out its all about motivation and dedication. Pushing myself to run through the weather, really just put my mind in the right place. I think it will help prepare me for what I may face race day. I can't even imagine what race day will be like, and really prefer not to anticipate.

Now back to this weeks training. This week is really going to be a step forward for me, and may be the reason I felt it was so important to push through this back track week, despite the weather. My longest run has been 16 miles and this week is 18. In addition, on the rest of the days there is a mile added each day. Its hard enough for me to get up in the morning, now I have to aim to get up even earlier. I think this week was a turn for me mentally and I think I am even  more motivated. Here is a little motivation for you that I found on pinterest:

Marathon Training: Week 7 update;
Mon- 4 miles (6.98miles (56 min+ 15 min leg workout) )
Tues- 5 miles (3.75 - very icy conditions)
Wed- 4 miles  ( 4 miles- cant remember what exactly i did- and arms)
Thurs- cross train (abs/total body workout)
Fri- rest/3 miles (4 miles- 10 minute dance video)
Sat- (13.65 miles- 1:57:35)
Sun- (Did a leg workout while the boyfriend did an arm workout)

Marathon Training Week 8:
Mon- 5 miles (5.8 miles- 49:15 )
Tues- 8 miles (8.35 miles- 1:09:20)
Wed- 5 miles 
Thurs- cross train
Fri- 8 miles
Sat- 18 miles
Sun- rest

Monday, January 23, 2012

New Years Resolutions and Fitness!!!

Given we are still in January, many people are still pursuing their New Years Resolution. Personally, I do not make New years resolutions. I usually have goals to achieve by certain dates, let it be my birthday, a holiday, an age or the often the end of the year (rather than the beginning). However, as we all know one of the most common new year goals is to lose weight or get back in shape, or run a half marathon/marathon. My goal was to complete a marathon before 25, and I am on that road now. A fellow runner was planning her first marathon and said she was having people meet her along the way and possible run a mile or two with her to keep her going. So Given that I am petrified of what may occur during the marathon, I summoned a friend to run a mile with me, then I increased it to two and now I told her she can run three ( hahahaha sorry love). For both of my half marathons I used the eight week plan from Fitness Magazine. I remembered they also had a 5k plan. So given there are 7 weeks and 5 days till Marathon day, I figured it was time to post the plan. It is a 6 week plan, but it is always safe to counter in a couple extra days just to have a little bit of room just in case things come up. Hopefully this will inspire you to join my friend and make a goal of running a 5k. Choose the one that fits you below and have fun!!!! Remember it's really a mental battle, so stay in control!


Add caption

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

What a workout HAHAHA?

Yesterday morning I set out for a 4 mile run which was suppose to include sprints, and what did it turn into... a 3.75 miles (to my surprise) of fake ice skating. I practically shimmied across every other street in order not fall on my face. The hardest thing about it was that the ground was wet from the overnight rain and it was still dark out. With my amazing night owl vision, I could not decipher what was ice and what was wet ground. At first, everything I thought was wet cement was ice so that didnt help at all. I should have known better when I walked outside and almost slipped down the stairs. The funny thing was it didn't seem that anyone else was having this problem but me. Maybe I missed their slides but they seem to be flying as I was prancing along, praying to God that I didn't fall, and thinking about all the outcomes if I did fall. 

Why Couldn't I move, swiftly like this person?  :(

My mind was just wandering. Then when I approached grass, I decided it would be safer to run on it. Now, I know grass is less stabilizing than tar but I didn't realize how much more you worked. I wasn't sure if I found it more difficult to run avoiding ice or concentrate on not falling on branches in the grass while keeping my balance. Next time I go for a short daytime run, I think I may attempt a trail run. So my question is how do runners get through the winter? What is used to run through the snow, or on ice? I heard of sneaker chains and such, but how does this all work when constantly transitioning between concrete and ice?

Thank goodness today was a successful run I did my 4.3 miles, including sprints (34:25) and it was in the 40's at 6am whoo hoo! I hope I don't experience that ice again in the coming weeks, lets hope its warm enough to melt the ice. Maybe I should hope for a car, so I can make it back to the gym and use the dreadmill.

A random note: I ran down the street and caught the bus by seconds. I found a seat and continued to look at my text messages while listening to my ipod, all of a sudden I started to smell this scent that made me nauseous. As I turned to my left, the lady next to me was eating an egg roll @ 7:40 AM huh??? There are certain things I can eat in the morning (but usually do a good job at avoiding, at least till the afternoon) that some people may be turned off by like cake, candy and ice cream, but a fried egg roll, yuckkk! What strange foods do you eat in the morning?


Tuesday, January 17, 2012

When Will They Remember???

So once again I failed to write over the weekend, I think I have just been so consumed with life lately. There have been events every weekend since November and I am not sure when it may end. So I was extremely excited that yesterday was a day off from work in celebration of MLK, even though I don't think I used the time to its fullest.

I seriously wasted too much time this weekend and how, you may ask?...Well beginning on Friday I told a friend about a website and on Saturday we shared it with another friend and since then it's been non-stop PINTEREST!!! For those of you who have experienced it know it can be very entertaining, you do not realize the hours ticking away. For those of you who have not yet used it...DON'T DO IT you will neglect other responsibilities.

However, it is super handy and so much fun. Basically it is an online pinboard where you can find almost anything. Users pin pictures of things they like such as inspiring quotes, recipes, workout tips, decorating ideas, wedding ideas, clothes, shoes, accessories, looks they like, books to read, just about anything. You can browse all those items and get ideas or just be entertained. It's one stop shopping. There are so many creative ideas you may have never though about, like this green monster smoothie pinned from Iowa Girls Eat's blog.


I made a variation for today's breakfast made from almond milk, banana, blueberries, chia seed, spinach and stevia....It was pretty yummy, but it would have been a lot better if I drank it right away and put less spinach, which will be tomorrow's task!

Other entertaining things I found:




I received an invite today to join, and am super excited. The way it works is you have to request an invite, this may take several days or a friend can invite you. Lucky for me, I was the friend who got the complaints while waiting for the invite, but got instant access hehe (Thanks Van). Even if you are not a member you may browse all the items, but when you join you can repin the items you would like to share and revisit later. It really is amazing. FYI: it is geared primarily for females.

Muscle Memory

Ok, so let me briefly explain my gallbladder surgery since this is the reason behind my interest in muscle memory. I have always had stomach issues, ask anyone who knows me. However a couple of years ago yes, years (about 2) I experienced what felt like a charlie horse in my stomach organ (the center of your tummy, between the two sides of your ribs). It was terrible and I threw up. I thought it was nothing more than a stomach bug. The pain returned maybe two more times over the course of a couple months but it was not accompanied by vomiting so I dismissed it.

While away for work I got that horrible pain three times within the week keeping me up all night. The last day of the trip I went to the office and was puking in the bathroom. At that point I left for a wonderful 2.5 - 3 hour drive home, which took me 4 hrs since I made several stops. It turned out I had pancreatitis which was caused by gall stones being lodged in the pancreatic duct. To prevent further attacks my gallbladder was removed. What was I so worried about??? Eating sweets and running. Since surgery my workouts have not been the same, and I knew they wouldn't be. I am a lot more fatigued after doing less. Everyone told me you'll be fine in no time, your muscles will remember.


After researching about muscle memory I think I am quite disappointed. The whole science behind muscle memory is that the more you build your muscles or do a specific task, the less effort is needed to perform it as time goes on. So if you take time off from doing that activity, it will take less time to get back to where you were than if you never did it before. DUHHHH!!!! Of course if you do you do something everyday and then stop it wont take you nearly as long as it did when you first attempted.

I wanted to know how long does it take for you to get to that point. of course every person is different especially depending if you have gone through something more traumatic than gall bladder surgery. I found an article on Women's Health Magazine's website which I posted below that did a good job of explaining the details and even has a workout to increase your muscle memory.

In a quick summary when you work your muscles you send messages to your brain to do that movement. Messages are sent between your muscles, tendons, ligaments, and nervous system creating this memory. So these connections build up, in a scenario where you stop doing that activity for awhile and restart the memory will come back. I think a perfect example for me is ice skating. I don't ice skate often but anytime I go, I am shaky in the beginning but within 10-15 minutes I can move pretty well. I would suggest you read the article as I probably did a terrible job of explaining the science.


I have seen a great improvement in my workouts and runs. As today I average an 8:04 mile for 6.98 miles (yes I was disappointed when I came back and mapped my run). So I am happy that my muscles are remembering quickly, and I am thankful for the memory that is formed for motor skills and such. However, I guess in my mind muscle memory meant something different than you bodies ability to remember how to do things that you may take a break from.

Marathon Training

My 16 mile run was full of obstacles. I am not sure what went on with me but I had to stop at Starbucks to use the bathroom, and then I got a really bad cramp. However, other than that I had a pretty great run. I enjoyed it. By mile 11, I was getting tired. I think it was because I passed by my house at that point. I chewed a mini candy cane and kept going. By the end I was a little sore and drained but ready to start my day. I do believe it is almost more of a mental exercise than a physical exercise. Knowing that I am going to run a certain path makes it a lot easier to accomplish. I feel like I am giving up if I don't finish exactly what I planned. I am looking forward to this coming week as it is a back track week with the exception of doing a half marathon (or a fake one hahaha) which tests speed, and then its time to step it up big time :(

Marathon training Week : January 16- 22

Mon- 4 miles (6.98miles (56 min+ 15 min leg workout)
Tues- 5 miles (may need to cross train due to the rain/ if I run I will do 4)
Wed- 4 miles 
Thurs- cross train
Fri- rest/3 miles
Sat- Half marathon
Sun- rest

Marathon Training Week 6: January 9- 15: Updates of what I actually accomplished!
Mon- 4 miles (4.3 miles (35 min)+ leg workout)
Tues- 7 miles (7.7 miles (1:05:45)
Wed- 4 miles (will do 4 miles and either arms or abs)
Thurs- cross train (yoga)
Fri- 7 miles (I think I did 7, I forgot to write it down)
Sat- 15-16 miles (16.3 miles - 2:19:50)
Sun- rest 

(What I actually did)

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

What is the Secret?

Sooo the weekend is long over and once again it's back to the hustle and bustle of the work week! Since I failed to post over the weekend, and even yesterday, I will run down the exciting points of my weekend events.

It just so happened Friday my boyfriend and I had our 3 1/2 year anniversary. We don't normally celebrate half years, but I was in the mood for some together time. I think I am getting spoiled doing something every week between Christmas, New Years and our Halfverssary. I really can't believe it's been that long sometimes. We aren't the most  exciting couple, especially come Friday after a long week. Our Friday night plan was to cook a nice meal together. I totally forgot to snap a picture of our meal :( but I happen to have some leftovers that I threw into yesterdays dinner.

When it all started

Monday Nights Dinner - Spaghetti Squash, broccoli from the stir fry and parmesean crusted Tofu (When I perfect the recipe I will post it) 

He made steak, while I made roasted buttercream potatoes, stir fry vegetables and spaghetti squash. He was not a big fan of the spaghetti squash, that was really for me, I think it is delicious!!! The potatoes were for him. However, I have to say the meal overall was quite yummy. It was a nice quiet evening :) and I so enjoy them at the end of the week.

Saturday- 14 Mile Run
Well, I set out for my 14 mile run and it was absolutely gorgeous out. Who ever heard of 55 degrees in NY in January. It was a pleasant change from running in 20 degree weather earlier this week! I think I may have overdressed for the tempature because I was so warm and bright red mid way through. I wore capri running pants with a handy dandy pocket in the back which makes it look like you have a growth coming from your cocyx bone lol, bright pink compression socks, a tank top and a pink thermal. This was my first time running in my compression socks which will be discussed momentarily. By mile two I was wishing I wore my tank top early and was tempted to take off my long sleeve shirt as I saw a another female runner with her shirt tied at her waist. I continued along admiring the scenery and the weather. One thing, I will admit that I do wrong is I do not drink when I run. I started working on it when I did 6 or 7 miles on the treadmill, but outside I just never do. However, I did contemplate stopping at Starbucks for water. I think I may invest in a hydration belt as strange as they look.

Usually during my runs I get tired at mile two and then around six or anytime I go uphill. I always get a second, third or even fourth wind of energy. By mile 11 I was just enjoying running and tuned everything out. As I approached my starting point I knew I still had about three miles to go, so I decided to run through the nearby park since it was so nice out. Let me just say I'm not a park runner normally, I hate going around n' around lol, but when it's nice out I do usually enjoy the trees and people and the picturesque of it all. As I was running, there was a fellow runner who fell. She twisted her ankle and had some scrapes. She said she was fine and did not need any help, she was just embarrassed. But trust me it's nothing to be embarrased about, it happens. I helped her up and continued on to finish my run quickly to make up time.

Recap: Several things I noted during my run:
1. Learn to hydrate properly. This is something I'm aiming to work on. It hindered me during my first half marathon, when after my first sips of water I felt as if I was drowning.

2. It may be just me, but it seems to be a lot simpler to add miles to a normal route. You already know the terrain and the points that are difficult and the ones that are refreshing. You know where there is great scenery and where your body likes to get tired. So when beginning to add on mileage, it may be better to add new territory to old territory. It gives your body a change while keeping something the same. What do you think?

3. Pace is everything! Listen to what your body says, and keep it consistent. Your better off staying slow and running the whole time, than speeding up, and burning out too soon.

Does it really help?
Soooo as I talk about my logging long mileage I would like to address the topic of compression socks. I purchased a pair as a secret santa gift and they had a special deal so I got a pair as well.

Those are the presents I like, one for you- one for me! So lately after long runs I put them on to help recover, I even sleep in them sometimes :). Normally between running and wearing four inch heals at work my calves almost always feel tight and sore. On Saturday, I decided to wear my compression socks running, to test the different opinions I have heard. There are numerous people who feel the best time to wear compression socks are after a run, to aid in recovery and blood circulation. Others say they are great for after a run, but wearing them during a run makes them feel stronger, faster and more limber while running. So I put it to the test.

Compression socks: During Vs, After running
Normally when I wear them after runs they completely help my legs heel. My legs feel good as new, as if they did some activity but nothing too vigerous. Usually my next run after wearing them is even better. Sometimes I use them just to release calf tension from wearing heels during the day.

Now for wearing the socks while running: I am not sure what I expected.  I felt tired when I got home but not too sore. However, wearing compression socks during running really didn't seem to do anything different but make me warm. I may start wearing them just to stay warm during cold morning runs. But when I got home I mapped my run and the results ... dun ... dun ... dun:

I finished the 14.3 miles in 2:02:45. I averaged 8:35 minute miles, which is good for me for a full 14 miles, without putting extra attention to speed and including my stopping time to help a fellow runner. So was it the help of the compression socks???

Overall, I am a true fan of the compression sock whether you wear them before or after a run. I love the brightness they bring to my running outfit. I definitely suggest wearing them after. Wearing them during a run, I think may be psychological, but hey, if it gets you to run faster and recover faster go for it. I will definitely wear them after my runs, and maybe during long extensive runs. I think I may test them once more during my next long run, and I will keep you posted.

In addition to my faster speed Saturday, on Monday I did 4.3 miles in 35 minutes. I inserted five one minute sprints with one minute recoveries, but overall my run was a great run not overly strenuous. It's my best time since surgery. Maybe I am finally recovering and gaining my speed back. Was it the compression socks, or maybe its muscle memory (forshadow to my next topic)!!

Marathon training Week 6: January 9-15

Mon- 4 miles (4.3 miles (35 min)+ leg workout)
Tues- 7 miles (7.7 miles (1:05:45)
Wed- 4 miles (will do 4 miles and either arms or abs)
Thurs- cross train
Fri- 7 miles
Sat- 15-16 miles (I'll aim for 16 miles)
Sun- rest

Marathon Training Week 5: January 2- 8: Updates of what I actually accomplished!
Mon- 4 Miles (7.5 miles)
Tues- 7 Miles (4.4 miles)
Wed- 4 Miles (cross train) and abs
Thurs- Cross train (4 miles and arms)
Fri- 7 Miles (7 miles- I dont remember the exact number.)
Sat- 14 Miles (14.3 miles)
Sun- Rest

(What I actually did)

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Mary and the Gigantic Apple!!!

This morning, upon arriving at work, I went about my normal morning routine of bringing my lunch to the refrigerator and getting a cup of tea, to ward of the frostbite from the wonderful 13 degree weather. I stopped to talk to one of my team members, and what did I see.....A GIGANTIC APPLE. It so happened that I had an apple too...
My Organic apple next to the gigantic apple
My apple looks incredibly sad next to the the large, appetizing apple. It made me wish my apple would suddenly grow ( like James and the Giant Peach). I tend to be fascinated by items that are larger than normal, like campfire sized marshmallows. I bough campfire marshmallows around Christmas time and I couldnt stop eating them. After that, I vowed not to keep them in the house. Marshmallows just seem to bring me back to my peanut butter and fluff childhood days. I found a comparison on candy warehouse.

Morning Workout:

I will begin by saying about a month ago my car died, ( I had a daewoo, yes a Daewoo, and I will say I LOVED MY DAEWOO, for all you Daewoo haters) so when my alarm clock rang at 5am, instead of heading to the gym, I prepared for my morning outside run. I turned on the TV to check the weather, and in the corner of the screen it read 13 degrees. I took a closer look to make sure my eyes really saw 13, and at that moment I decided to switch my running day for a cross training day (See Marathon training week 5 below). Usually on cross training days, I put on Fit TV on demand and choose a workout from the many they have to offer. However, beginning Jan. 1, (I believe) fit tv on demand was cancelled......Whyyyyyyy??????  : ( So I quickly put together a workout to do before rushing out to work.

Today was my first full ab workout since having my gall bladder removed 6 weeks ago, whoo hoo and I think I feel the soreness already. In addition to a 30 Min. ab workout, I did an interval workout, this one lasted about 38 minutes:

Odd minutes: jog

Minute 2: Jumping Jacks                                    Minute 24:Jump squats
Minute 4: High Knees                                          Minute 26:  Mountain climbers
Minute 6: Butt Kicks                                            Minute 28: Jumps front and Back
Minute 8:  Single and double Skiers               Minute 30: Bunny Hops
Minute 10: Side Kicks                                          Minute 32: Side squats
Minute 12  Front Kicks                                        Minute 34: Jump Rope
Minute 14 & 16: Back Kicks                               Minute 36: Star Jumps             
Minute 18& 20 : Jump Kicks                              Minute 38: Burpees
Minute 22: Burpees                

7 Minute- Stretch                

Marathon Training Week 5:          
January 2- 8:

Mon- 4 Miles (7.5 miles)

Tues- 7 Miles (4.4 miles)

Wed- 4 Miles (cross train)

Thurs- Cross train (will do 4 miles)

Fri- 7 Miles

Sat- 14 Miles

Sun- Rest

(What I actually did)

Wish me luck!!!!

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year!!!

Welcome to my blog. I have been putting off writing my first blog post for some time now, but with today being January 1, 2012, I decided it was the perfect time. I love the feeling of starting on a new slate, and I am super excited of what 2012 may bring. With that said, there are several milestones already in place for this coming year. This year I will be turning 25, and hope it will be a year of change, progress, and growth on so many levels.

About 2 years ago, I made a goal of running a marathon before I turned 25, and in March I will be running my first marathon. Lucky for me, a couple of friends decided to join in the fun and we will make it a mini getaway.
I am in week 4 of training since I had a minor setback (I had to get my gallbladder removed :( ) which cost me 4 weeks of training. I have a total of 14 weeks to train. Sooooo, with about 10 weeks left its time to push harder, fuel better, and get my nutrition back on track after the holidays. Tomorrow is a day off from work, so its a great day to get things back in order.

I am going to end here in order to post before the 1st is over, with 1 minute left haha. I hope to share more in depth posts on my training, workouts, and healthy, yummy recipes, in my future blog posts. So as I end I have a question, what are your goals for the new year?